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10 of the Highest Mountains in California

Bindu swetha
California has United State's 15 'fourteeners' (mountain peaks having a summit with an elevation over 14,000 ft), are a treat for mountaineers and even casual hikers! Once you acquire the basic skills like route finding, snow travel, rope skills and safety assessment, you can get a taste of mountaineering at these fourteeners.

Mount Whitney

The highest mountain summit, Mount Whitney, is at an elevation of 14,505 feet! With picturesque views, exceptional granite and various climbing options, this is one of the most stunning peaks in America.

Mount Williamson

Located in the John Muir Wildnerness within the Inyo National Park, Mount Williamson has an elevation of 14,379 feet. Due to the remoteness and the wilderness nature, this trek is a tricky one!

White Mountain Peak

With an elevation of 14,252 feet, the White Mountain Peak is the highest peak in the White Mountains. High winds, low moisture levels, dry air, tundra climatic conditions and extreme winters - you name it, the peak has all of it!

North Palisade

The third highest peak in the Sierra Nevada, with an elevation of 14,242 feet, the North Palisade is the finest climbs in the area. Get your ice climbing gear ready to successfully climb the steep couloirs in the region.

Mount Shasta

An elevation of 14,179 feet, a potentially active volcano and the second highest peak in the Cascades, Mount Shasta offers all the adventures that one can ask for! All your snow travel techniques will be put to use during this hike.

Mount Sill

Located in the Cascades, Mount Sill has a few small glaciers and is located where the Sierra Crest turns sharply, giving some striking views of the region. It is a moderately technical rock climb with routes to the peak existing from all sides of the peak.

Mount Russell

With an elevation of 14,094 feet, Mount Russell offers at least a dozen routes ranging from scrambling routes to good technical ones! From May to October, only 10 people are allowed to enter the North Fork of Pine Creek for a night's use.

Split Mountain

One of the easiest climbs, Split Mountain, has the least technical route. The mountain has a two-toned appearance, which is created by the dark-colored roof granodiorite and the lighter-colored body of leucogranite.

Mount Tyndall

A peak in the Mount Whitney region, Mount Tyndall is at an elevation of 14,205 feet. First climbed in 1864, this peak has an easy scramble route and few technical routes to the west side of the peak. There are 2 significant technical routes at the eastern side of the peak.

Mount Langley

One of the toughest fourteeners to climb, Mount Langley's hiking starts at an elevation of 10,000 feet at the Horseshoe Meadow. During winter months, most of the routes are closed, so the hike becomes more difficult.