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10 Outstanding Attractions in Bavaria, Germany

Sonali Pimpale
Germany’s largest state by land, Bavaria’s true wealth lies in its resplendent scenery, quaint towns, and fantastical castles, with names that rival the trickiest tongue twisters!

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Neuschwanstein Castle
This incredible fortress is the inspiration for the castle in Disney’s Sleeping Beauty.
The surreal castle was constructed to be a private sanctum for the King Ludwig II. Take a guided tour to explore the equally splendid interiors, with the Sängersaal (Minstrels’ Hall), being a fan favorite.

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The capital of Bavaria is steeped in culture, historical buildings, and world-class museums.
One cannot miss out the Oktoberfest when in Munich. It is the largest beer festival in the world (held in October)!

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The Oktoberfest is a prime example of German hospitality, where locals and tourists share drinks and groove together to the beat of lively Bavarian music.

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A city dotted with medieval architectures, Nuremberg is known for being the site of the infamous Nazi trials.

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The region is a sight to behold at the time of Christmas, when the Old Town decks up in Christmas lights for the renowned Christkindlesmarkt.

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Nymphenburg Palace
The grand ‘Castle of the Nymphs’ was the summer abode of Bavaria’s rulers of old, from the House of Wittelsbach.
The 17th century Baroque palace boasts of gorgeous interiors. The beautifully English-style landscaped gardens are at their stunning best during spring and summer.

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Get your heart pumping and blood racing by hiking and skiing at Zugspitze, Germany’s highest mountain!

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BMW Museum
Hidden among ethereal landscapes and fairytale castles of Bavaria is a Mecca for car lovers.
The BMW Museum displays a splendid collection of the vehicles, along with their design and technology, and history of the august brand.
Linderhof Palace
A small palace it might be, but it packs a powerful punch with its undeniable beauty.
With its secluded setting, plush interiors and lavish gardens, Linderhof Palace was the retreat the solitary King Ludwig II favored above all others.
Perched atop the Mount Obersalzberg, the Eagle’s Nest is a structure from the Third Reich era. The building, an architectural wonder of its time, has witnessed Adolf Hitler hatching plots with the members of Nazi Party on numerous occasions.
Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest)
Today, Eagle’s Nest is a popular attraction in the form of a seasonal restaurant and a beer garden, with astounding views of the Alps. You can get a guided tour to learn about the place’s history during the troubled times.
Dachau Concentration Camp
The first Nazi concentration camp, and a model for its successors, Dachau Concentration Camp has a record of over 32,000 documented deaths. Today, the camp is a memorial site, a palpable reminder of the worst atrocities of human nature.
Würzburg Residence
The opulent palace is widely considered to be the finest specimen of Baroque architecture in Europe.
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the most striking feature of the former residence of prince-bishops is a ceiling dominated by the largest fresco in the world, a masterpiece by the Venetian painter, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.