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10 Tallest Lighthouses in the World!

Peeping down from the world’s tallest lighthouses would surely give you goosebumps! Give it a try!
Swarali Jambhale

Jeddah Light, Saudi Arabia

Standing 436 feet tall, the Jeddah Light boasts of being the tallest lighthouse on Earth!

Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, United States

352-feet high, the tower accounts to the world’s second tallest lighthouse!

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Yokohama Marine Tower, Japan

The 348 feet soaring tower has an observation deck at the top!

Bicentennial Lighthouse, Argentina

This is Cordoba’s iconic structure towering to a height of 262-feet. It has an antenna at the top that sums its total height to 335 feet making it the third tallest lighthouse in the world!

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Palacio Barolo, Argentina

The 330 feet tall building stands with a lighthouse at the top!

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Statue of Liberty, United States

Served as a lighthouse for 16 years, Statue of Liberty deserves a place in this list!

Île Vierge Lighthouse, France

Tallest 'traditional lighthouse' in the world and one of the outstanding lighthouses in France, Île Vierge is 82.5 feet high!

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Lighthouse of Genoa, Italy

World’s fifth tallest and the second tallest 'traditional lighthouse,' it rises 249 feet high!

Phare de Gatteville, France

The 247 feet tall tower is the third tallest 'traditional lighthouse' in the world!

Lesnoy Mole Rear Range Light, Russia

Being the tallest lighthouse in Russia and the fourth tallest 'traditional lighthouse' in the world, this Russian tower also holds a record of being the world’s tallest range light!