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11 Cheapest Cities in Europe for Budget Travelers

Vinam Pachkhede
The multi-culturalism, an event-full history, beautiful landscapes, and marvelous architecture makes Europe irresistible. But the tricky part is to travel in the budget; that’s why we’ve culminated these pocket-friendly destinations for you.

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Budapest, Hungary
Blended in the medieval as well as modern-day hues, Budapest is a treat for young travelers on a budget.

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Berlin, Germany
Wake up the party animal in you to enjoy the epic nightlife of Berlin without making a dent in your pocket.

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Prague, Czech Republic
Prague is a mecca for architecture, design, and art history. Just stroll around the various cities with nominal travel expenses.

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Athens, Greece
With nominal entry fees, explore the Athen’s philosophical centers and museums. Just spend few bucks on food and transportation.

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Porto, Portugal
Spoil yourself at the waterfront settlements and cafes with the local delicacies and port wine at pocket-friendly prices.

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Madrid, Spain
Madrid is a dirt cheap when it comes to travelling. Visit the cultural center of Spain, and enjoy the Spanish tradition and art at the various museums.

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Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn’s medieval themed restaurants, street art galleries, churches will take to back to the ancient times, that too with modest prices.

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Ljubljana, Slovenia
Taste the champagne on a beer budget at this greenest capital in Europe. Don’t miss on the Karst caves.
Bruges, Belgium
Plan a trip to Bruges, Belgium with a shoestring budget. You'll definitely be awe-inspired by the numerous statues and museums around you.

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Cesky Krumlov
Cesky Krumlov is a perfect and cheapest destination for av weekend getaway with picturesque sties at the banks of serpentine river and the old town.