One of the smallest countries in the world, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is not only famous for its natural beauty but also it's cuisine and it's love for cars!
Luxembourg is a landlocked country that is surrounded by Germany, Belgium, and France! So, day trips from these countries are the most viable way to visit this beautiful country.
It is named after the 10th-century castle, Lucilinburhuc i.e. little fortress! The country has about 1 castle for every 100 sq miles distance.
Covering a total area of 2,586 sq km, Luxembourg is the smallest country in the European Nation!
Though it is a small country, it has 3 official languages - German, French and Luxembourgish!
Though there have been a lot of Grand Duchy, Luxembourg is the only remaining Grand Duchy in the world. As a Duchy, the country was ruled by the Netherlands though it was a part of the German Imperial!
Luxembourg has the second-highest GDP in the world, trailing behind Qatar! Unemployment in the country is the lowest in Europe, and it has been the situation for the last 40 years.
Due to favorable weather conditions, the birthday of Grand Duchess, Charlotte, which was on 23 January was changed to 23 June, and celebrated annually as the country's National Day!
The restaurant Chiggeri has a long list of wines - you get to choose from 2200 different varieties of wines! The restaurant holds a Guinness Book of World Records for the same since 2009!
The country has a network of about 17kms of underground tunnels that are cut out of the solid rock!
If you have seen the flag of Luxembourg, you might confuse it with the Dutch flag!
However, a closer look will reveal that the color of the blue is a different one.
The Goldcrest being the smallest European bird was carefully chosen to represent the small area of the country.
The country's national animal is the red lion while the national bird is the Goldcrest!
The country's national epic is about a fox i.e. the Renert! It is a satirical work that is inspired by the fox epic - Reineke Fuchs.
The small area of the country doesn't restrict the luxurious lifestyle of its inhabitants! It is the country with the highest car ownership in the world.
Consultants across the world claim Luxembourg to be the safest country in the world.