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8 Best Things to Do in Cambridge, Maryland

Prerana Jamdarkhana
A place of rich heritage in marine and unique Chesapeake lifestyle, Cambridge in Maryland, is a pleasant escape from urban hustle-bustle. Cambridge is gaining popularity for its nightlife, welcoming locals and delicious cuisine.

Choptank River

13-feet deep Choptank river near Cambridge creek is the location of Cambridge Municipal Yacht Basin. It is a perfect place to walk around and have a merry day.

Choptank River Lighthouse

The lighthouse built on the shores of Long Wharf Park is worth a visit. The building is a replica of the screw-pile lighthouse in Oxford, Maryland that guided marines through generations.

Richardson Maritime Museum

Named in honor of Capt. James Richardson, this museum is an interesting spot for tourists, as it has artifacts of ship models and boat-works. Workshops are conducted for students to learn about the history of marine and build a model boat.

The Harriet Tubman Museum & Education Center

Run by local volunteers, the museum shares the inspiring story of Tubman, who escaped slavery and led many others to freedom.
Note: Prior booking is required for the tour of the museum.

Parks all around

Cambridge has parks all around the city that allow people to fish, play and have picnics. Three boat launches are also offered on the Bay; Franklin Street, Trenton Street and Great Marsh Park.

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Governors Hall, Sailwind Park

Cambridge has a locale for events - concerts, shows, festivals- any indoor/outdoor activity here at Governor’s Park. One can book tickets to experience culture and people of the place.

The Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

The sanctuary is a home to many amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles. Bald eagles and Delmarva fox squirrels are major attractions. NWR is an all-in-one spot for hiking, birdwatching, cycling, paddling and photography.

Charming Chesapeake

Chesapeake Bay is lined with local restaurants and luxurious hotels to experience delightful Chesapeake cuisine and hospitality. It is also a perfect place for sightseeing the beauty of the Bay.