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9 Best Brutalist Architectural Wonders of the World

Gaurav Kadam
The term ‘brutalism’ is taken from the French word béton brut which means ‘raw concrete’. In the mid 20th century churches, libraries, public housings, government buildings were built in a menacing manner without any embellishments.
This exciting architectural movement began in England and later spread across the world. Architects Le Corbusier, Marcel Breuer and Lina Bo Bardi were torchbearers of this movement. Let us embark on a journey of the best brutalist architectural wonders of the world.

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Trellick Tower, London
This 31-storey building has been featured in many movies, TV series and music videos including Denzel Washington’s For Queen and Country.

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Torre Velasca, Milan
Designed by Gian Luigi Banfi, Lodovico Barbiano di Belgiojoso, Enrico Peressutti and Ernesto Nathan Rogers, this mushroom-shaped skyscraper stands in the middle of the city.

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The Brunswick Center, London
Located in Bloomsbury, it is a residential and shopping center. It houses 560 flats along with several cafes, restaurants, a supermarket and a cinema hall.

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Geisel Library, San Diego
Named in the honor of Audrey and Theodor Seuss Geisel, it resembles hands holding up a stack of books. Designed by William Pereira in the late 1960s, it is located in the University of California, San Diego.

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Rio de Janeiro Cathedral
The cathedral is dedicated to the patron saint of Rio de Janeiro - Saint Sebastian. Built between 1964-1979, Edgar de Oliveira da Fonseca drew inspiration from the Mayan architectural style of pyramids.

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102 Petty France, London
It is an office block in Westminster which houses the Ministry of Justice and Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service.

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Church of Saint-Pierre, Caen, France
Built between 13th and 16th centuries, the architecture of the church evidently shows the evolution of styles from Rayonnant, Flamboyant Gothic to Renaissance.

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Barbican Centre, London
Officially opened to the public by Queen Elizabeth II in 1982, it was designed by Peter Chamberlin, Geoffry Powell and Christoph Bon.

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Boston City Hall, Boston
Often referred as one of the world's ugliest buildings, it has also been praised for being an icon of brutalism.