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9 Reasons to Visit Shenzhen, China

Shruti Nair
Situated in southeastern China, the Shenzhen metropolis links Hong Kong to the country’s mainland. Also known as 'The City of the Future' and the world's fastest growing city, it is a must-visit for its diversity.

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In just 40 years, this place changed from a rural farming land to be named 'The City of the Future' when the government declared it a Special Economic Zone. Today, it is the largest continuously urbanized area on the planet.

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1. Run at Shenzhen Bay Park

The park has 13 kms of green areas along the southern coast of Shenzhen Bay, is a favorite among the locals. The sunset is a must-see from this spot.

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2. Marvel at the Uber Modern Architecture

Stroll the streets to find architecture that looks like it’s from the future. No wonder it was named  UNESCO City of Design in 2008. It has unique world-class galleries dedicated solely to design in China and hosts popular design festivals.

3. Experience the Contrasting Cultures

Shenzhen is blessed with the best of both worlds, with the history of a rural land to the rocketing modernization of its lifestyle.

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4. Relax at the Beaches

Shenzhen boasts of a rugged coastline and 23 beaches. Dameisha is the closest beach to the city with coconut, palm trees and hazy blue mountains as a backdrop, coupled with view of Hong Kong across the ocean. For an off-beaten beach, trek to Xichong Beach.

5. Visit the Window of the World

The city nurtures its own replicas of the famous places in the world like the Eiffel Tower, the Niagara Falls, the Rushmore Mountain, the Pyramids and the King Kong Island.

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6. Enjoy the Colors at Night

This city celebrates the night time like no other. With the entire city hosting a night show of it's own, Shenzhen is a treat for the eyes.

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7. Indulge in Latest Music

With a thriving culture, Shenzhen has a unique taste. Enjoy the open-mic nights nearly every evening in the Shekou area, alongside buzzing live music venues like A8 Live and B10 Live.

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8. Reward Your Palate

The mix of cultures has also resulted in an unusual blend of Chinese and western dishes. You can find restaurants serving Cantonese Dim Sum and Sichuan Hotpot, alongside steak joints and pizza places.

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9. Walk Into a Painter’s Haven

Home to the ‘art factory of the world’, a region of the city that, at its peak in the 2000s, was responsible for having produced 60% of the world’s replica oil paintings. Wander the so-called Dafen Oil Painting Village to spot the replicas.