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9 Things to Do For an Amazing Travel Experience in Anchorage, Alaska

Aishwarya Karwa
Anchorage, the populous Alaskan city captivates its visitors with an alluring sight of snow-capped mountains, vast wildlife and glittering glaciers, which makes it a perfect travel destination. Here is a complete bucket list of things to do for an awesome travel experience in Anchorage at the Last Frontier.

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Watch the Stunning Northern Lights
The starlit sky above Knik River Valley in Anchorage makes it a perfect spot to gaze at the spectacular Northern Lights. The best time to enjoy this magnificent light show is from September through April.
This startling show of dancing green lights is a result of turbulence caused in the magnetosphere due to rapid activity of the solar winds.

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Go Skiing in the Tall Snow-Capped Alaskan Mountains
Your Alaskan vacation can’t be complete without an intrepid skiing experience at the famous Alyeska Resort in the Girdwood area of Anchorage.

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Snap the Anchorage Skyline During Sunset
The snow-covered Alaskan mountains serve as the perfect backdrop for the beautiful Anchorage Skyline.

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Enjoy Hiking the Alaskan Hills
Enjoy breathtaking hiking experience at Anchorage’s popular hiking trails such as Byron Glacier Trail, Crow Pass Trail, Flattop Mountain Trail etc.

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Catch a Sight of Sparkling Glaciers
The topography of Anchorage is bejewelled by the gleaming glaciers. Take a sight seeing flight from Lake Hood or hop on a Day Cruise from Seward or Whittier to espy these scintillating crystalline ice bodies.

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Spot Anchorage’s Favorite Four-Legged Residents
Anchorage is famed for its vast wildlife and one can often have ample sightings of iconic species like moose, whales, eagles and bears. Potter Marsh and Chugach State Park are great Wildlife Viewing areas.

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Explore Anchorage via Rails
Railways run throughout the summer from Anchorage to various places such as Denali, Fairbanks, Seward, Prince William Sound etc.
Railways undoubtedly make the best option to unravel the beauty of Anchorage. Be a part of this fascinating journey by railway, making its way through the snowy mountains and glaring river waters.

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Hop on the Dog Sledge
A group of powerful Alaskan Huskies speed through the forest trails and snow-covered Anchorage terrain, pulling the sledge.
Participate in 'Fur Rondy' - Anchorage’s Most Anticipated Festival
Paramount part of Anchorage’s culture, ‘Fur Rondy’ hosts tribal dances, Sled Dog race, Rondy Carnival, Grand Parade, Snowshoe Softball Tournament. Make sure you don't miss the amazing fireworks during the festival!