An ancient Greek religious sanctuary sacred to the God Apollo, this is a must visit for history geeks.
Shruti Nair
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The modern town of Delphi is situated to the West of the archaeological site and it works as a modern day municipality.
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The Temple of Apollo
This was the center of the cult and the seat of high priestess, Pythia. The walls of the temple are inscribed with the Seven Sages and the famous saying "Know Thyself".
The Treasury of Athens
This small temple like structure was erected to hide dedications and votive offerings to the sanctuary of Apollo.
The Theater of Delphi
Capacity of 5000 people, this theater hosted the musical concerts during the Pythian games.
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This was the first theatre where contests were introduced.
The Stadium of Delphi
To the West of the theater you have the stadium. This place can hold 20 athletes at the starting point. For the times it was built, this is a strong masterpiece.
The Tholos of Delphi
A remarkable architecture, this standing structure was built in 4th Century BC. It lies right at the middle of the Treasury and the Temple of Athens.
The Archeological Museum of Delphi
One of the most crucial museums of the world and a tribute to the Greek Art.
It hosts about 2000 pieces of art and most of these are ruins from the pre-historic times.
Sikelianos Museum
This 1920s mansion turned museum hosts art from both historic and modern Greek Art. It is a tribute to the poet Angelo Sikelianos and his American wife Eva Palmer.
The Village of Chrisso
The ancient village of Karissa and protected as a monument by the Greek state, this village gives you the feel of neoclassical architecture of 19th Century.
Sanctuary of Athena Pronea
Located on the east of the sanctuary of Apollo, this site was the first Pilgrim point for the ancient Greeks.
A walkway or portico for public use, was built by Attalos as a gift to the city of Athens, where he completed his education.