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Awesome Tourist Places to Visit in Liechtenstein

Megha Dahake
Vaduz is the capital city for the Princedom of Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein is surrounded by two other Central European nations Austria and Switzerland whereas its northern border is near Germany. 
 Liechtenstein's Capital City: Vaduz
The Treasure Chamber of the Principality of Liechtenstein in Vaduz, is a unique museum which emphasizes mainly on pageants associated to the Prince of Liechtenstein .
The Treasure Chamber of the Principality of Liechtenstein
It is a museum and an edification focal point in Vaduz. It is predominantly engrossed in universal contemporary and leading edge fine art.  
State of the Art: Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein
Gutenberg Castle is an important historic and also well preserved castle which is located in the town of Balzers, in the tiny Principality of Liechtenstein.
Gutenberg Castle
More than 3,000 exhibits, discover the diversity of Liechtenstein, ranging from archaeology to history, art and culture to the alpine natural world here.
 Liechtenstein National Museum
Nendeln is positioned in North-Central Liechtenstein and Eschen is set in the north of Liechtenstein. Nendeln is notable for its old foundations from a Roman villa, as well as the Schädler Pottery, while in Eschen, you can see the Pfrundhaus from the 14th century which displays the local art and the Holy Cross Chapel
The Towns of Nendeln and Eschen
Music is the main center of attraction in the festival and equally vital is food and ball. There is one more peppier day that is the Monster Concert, which is occupied in the town of Schaan.
Schaan and the Liechtenstein Festival
Most revered Liechtenstein fortes comprise of old-styled Käsknöpfle (a kind of cheese gnocchi) with apple pulp. The top serving dishes include polenta, brawn and gently seasoned tangy cheese. 
 Triesenberg's Culinary Delights
The  Trail tip-offs to the pacific forestry to Schellenberg, where ramblers love the amazing sights of the Rhine valley, the Rätikon massif and the Alvier chain of mountains.
Hiking the Historical Eschnerberg Trail