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Best Beaches Near Rome, Italy

Why not cool down and relax at these best beaches for an enduring experience.
Ritika Khandelwal

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Rome has plenty of beaches nearby. These beaches are worth exploring while you are on a Rome vacay.

Santa Severa

Looking for a history and a relaxing trip? Santa Severa, a beach with a medieval castle, about few kms north of Rome is a perfect fit for you.

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Ostia Lido Beach

Not far from Rome, one of the popular beaches with lively atmosphere, Ostia Beach is a must visit. Also interested in some sight-seeing? Visit the ancient Roman ruins at Ostia Antica, the ancient port of Rome

Fregene Beach

If you are in Rome, you definitely need a little escape from the city for an exhilarating nightlife at Fregene Beach.

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Santa Marinella

Weekend crowd, seafood, sun, soft sand and clear Mediterranean water. What more could you ask for within an hour of Rome?

Anzio Beach

Anzio, a quaint little town with beautiful beach offering crystal clear water, fresh seafood, delicious ice cream, and it may interest history buffs to see remnants of the landing during World War ll.

Sperlonga Beach

Italy’s ‘Blue Flag’ beach and one of the most picturesque seaside spots with an archaeological museum nearby, this beach and town alone make the trip worth it.

Sabaudia Beach

Another Blue-Flagged beach and probably the most secluded one near Rome, Sabaudia’s gorgeous sand and turquoise water will steal your heart.

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Happiness comes in waves...
So are you ready to hit these beaches?