This ancient civilization was sophisticated and highly developed. They were advanced in art, architecture, calendar, mathematics and astronomy.
Mayan Civilization is also known as Mesoamerican civilization.
Some of the Mayan ruins are dated around 750 BC. The earliest Mayan settlements around Mexico dates back to 2600 BC and 1800 BC.
This Mayan site is known for its finest architecture and sculptures. The site is situated in Chiapas that is home to a nation park that is a must visit place.
This Mayan site has several small temples that have fine sculptures.
Many tombs and historic artifacts have been excavated in Palenque. Templo do las Inscripciones has many stone hieroglyphic panels.
It is site is situated within in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve. Calakmul is surrounded by vast expansion of jungle with its own attraction of wildlife.
The Great Pyramid, the largest of all Mayan pyramids in Mexico is found here. From the top of the pyramid you see the border to Guatemala.
Chichen Itza
This Mayan city is one of the wonders of the world that attracts visitors from across the globe.
The main attraction here is El Castillo or the Pyramid of Kukulcan. There is an temple within the El Castillo.
Murals in the Temple of Jaguars and Canote of Sacrifice are worth visiting and admiring. Come prepared to do a lot of walking.
A most well preserved Mayan Site that is home to one of the largest Mayan Ball courts. Visit the House of Turtles while you are here.
Uxmal site is known for its advanced architectural styles. This can be seen in the House of the Magician, the tallest and impressive structure at this site.
Bonampak literally means Painted Wall in English. This Mayan site is a short drive Yaxchilan is located in the jungle off a tributary of Usumacinta River. Bonampak boasts of a collection of colorful wall murals.
The Temple of the Murals showcases some of the best examples of the Mayan painting anywhere in the world.
Known as the Tulum Ruinas, this Mayan ruin is on top of a cliff overlooking the Caribbean Sea.
The ruins here are relatively small. The Temple of Frescoes is the one that is most frequented and slowly turning out to be a major tourism spot.
One of the fascinating and the largest Mayan ruins, Coba is located deep in the jungles of Quintana.
Once 50,000 people lived here.
Though only a part of the ruins have been cleared, you can still climb up the Nohuch Mul pyramid. From this pyramid you can enjoy the incredible views of the jungle landscape.
The name of this Mayan site translates to the House on the Itzas. It could have been the precursor to the famous Chichen Itza.
The settlement here was abandoned here in the 15th century. The Temple of Masks and Gran Acropolis are some of the ruins that you must visit.
It is a Mayan ruins located between the Yucatan Peninsula and Chetumal. It was at its peak of glory more than 2500 years ago.
It was both a residential area as well as a ceremonial place. Though most of the wall is gone the moat that surround the Mayan site still remains.
On the Mexican-Guatemala border is this Mayan site. It is located on the banks of the Usumacinta River and was once a major trading center.
There are 120 structures here that are grouped as- The Grand Acropolis, the Small Acropils and the Great Plaza.
The Carved Hieroglyphic stairway depicts the Mayan history and should not be missed out