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Essential Tips for a Hoover Dam Visit

Swarali Jambhale
Once been on top of the world’s tallest dam list, the Hoover Dam is now one of the top 20 tallest dams! Around 45 minutes south of Las Vegas, this “dam” good place deserves a day of your trip to Las Vegas!

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Sitting on the Colorado river, the 726 feet high dam provides power to 3 states!

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Drive across!

Do your research as not all types of vehicles are allowed!

Hoover Dam Bypass

Take a look at the $114 million Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge!

Halt for the View

Don’t stop on the streets, look for pullouts to halt.

Visitor Center

Don’t pay to only enter the Visitor Center, take a tour in combination.

Take the Tours

Those aged below 8 years are not allowed any of the tours.

- 1 Hour Dam Tour
- Power Plant 30 Min Tour

Free parking

Come early to park in free parking area on the Arizona side or else pay for the parking on the Nevada side.

Avoid Crowd

Slowest months are January and February from 9 am to 10:30 am and 3 pm to 4:45 pm

No Pets Allowed

Remember, pets are not allowed on the dam, bridges and also the trails.

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Food Available

A cafeteria at the dam has burgers, sandwiches, ice creams etc. to offer!

What to Bring?

Standing in a desert you will need:

- Lots of water
- Sunscreen
- Sun hats