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Facts About Redwood National Park

Neha Joshi
The Redwood National Park was established in 1968. After its formation, it was merged with California's Del Norte Coast, Jedediah Smith and Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park. Together, they're known as Redwood National and State Parks (RNSP). Several other interesting and intriguing facts about this park are presented to you in this post.

World's Tallest Tree!

The world's tallest tree ever to be recorded - Hyperion, is found in the Redwood National Park.
National parks let us witness wilderness up close and personal. They preserve the biome around us and help us in sustaining and developing our green planet. They're one of Nature's best escapes from the concrete jungles that otherwise surround us.
America, is home to some of the world's greatest national parks that give us an opportunity to view the distinct difference between two worlds: one that always was, and one that we built, replacing the one that was. The Redwood National Park is not just a normal national park.
It is home to few of the world's most endangered species, hosts an ecosystem that is rare and is home to organisms that are claimed to be the oldest. This UStravelia article provides you with some more intriguing facts about the Redwood National Park; facts that will help you know more about this unique park.

Did You Know?

A lot of movies are shot, though not entirely, in the Redwood National Park. Some of these are Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, and Outbreak.

Redwood National Park Facts

An interior view of the park

An organization called Save-the-Redwoods League was founded in 1918 to preserve the old-growth redwoods.
The formation of this organization was much-needed at the time, given the unimpeded logging that was prevailing for decades. It was this organization that helped establish Prairie Creek, Del Norte Coast, and Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Parks among many others.
The Redwood National Park was established in 1968. For better management and administration, the National Park Service (NPS) and the California Department of Parks and Recreation (CDPR) combined this park with the other three Redwood State Parks.

The Coastal Redwoods are the tallest known trees

The coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) are the tallest, and few of the most massive tree species on this planet. The Redwood National Park protects 45% of these trees.
These existing trees are the remainder of those that were saved from extensive logging. The entire area under protection is approximately 39,000 acres. These redwoods have been here for at least 20 million years.
Also, they are related to another tree species that existed on our planet 160 million years ago! Wow! The tallest tree in the park is Hyperion, second is Helios and third tallest is Icarus. They measure 379.1 feet, 376.3 feet, and 371.2 feet respectively. These figures were recorded in September 2006.

Elks are commonly seen in the park

The ecosystem in the Redwood National Park preserves many threatened animal species. It is also home to a minimum of 400 bird species.
Among the threatened species, we have the tidewater goby, chinook salmon, northern spotted owl, bald eagle, brown pelican and the Steller sea lion. Occasionally, we can see Pacific gray whales and dolphins offshore.
There, reptiles and amphibians are also found in considerable number. The most common among these are the northern red-legged frog, rough-skinned newt, Pacific giant salamander, and the northwestern ringneck snake.
Different Colors in the Park
Redwood National and State Parks are a World Heritage Site.
Given the unique ecosystem and the cultural richness that exists in these parks, United Nations conferred them with this title on 5th September, 1980. 50 prehistoric archaeological sites exist in the parks, as old as 4,500 years! Mature trees live for 500-700 years; a few are 2,000 years old, and are thus, the longest living organisms on our planet.

Common picnic tables in the park

The park does not host any hotels and the only alternative are campsites.
However, campsites can be reached only after hiking for a while. Nevertheless, picnic spots are present in the parks.

Coastline along the park

The Pacific, North American and Gorda tectonic plates all meet just 100 miles from the parks, at the Mendocino triple junction. This fact makes the northern coastal region of California (including the park), the most seismically active region in the United States of America.
A landscape view of the prairie
The Redwood National Park is a colorful mosaic of a stunning coastline, immense prairies, huge redwoods, and both calm and wild riverways. There is a lot to discover, making it a perfect destination for the explorer.