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Interesting Attractions and Facts of English Garden, Munich

Batul Nafisa Baxamusa
An English Garden in Munich, Germany? Yes, you read that right. The English Garden or The Englischer Garten is located in the center of Munich, Bavaria. The name refers to informal landscape, a style popular in the mid-18th century to the early 19th century in England. It's an interesting place to visit and much more than just an ordinary garden.

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Established along Isar River, it is a popular place for relaxing and enjoying leisure activities among the locals and tourists alike.


Yes, it may sound strange, but you can get your surfboards to the park and enjoy surfing the 1 meter high waves of the artificial streams flowing through the English Garden.


The area where one can sunbathe is located in Schönfeldweise (Schönfeld Meadow), which lies between the Monopteros and the Japanese Teahouse.

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Paddle Boating

The Kleinhesseloher See or Lake is a man-made lake where you could paddle boat. A little beer garden with 2,500 seats is also located near the lake.

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English Garden, which is divided into Northern part and the more popular Southern part due to 'Isarring' road that runs through the garden, has popular places to visit as well.

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Chinesicher Turm: the Beer Garden

Chinesicher Turm has more than 7000 seats which make it the 2nd-largest beer garden in Munich. The Chinese Tower here is a 25-meter-high wooden structure built in 1790 to resemble the ‘Great Pagoda’.

Japanese Teahouse

In celebration of the Summer Olympics in April 1972, the Japanese Teahouse and Japanese Garden were created on a small island behind the Haus der Kunst.

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Quick Facts About English Garden

  • The total length of the paths and walkways is about 75 km.
  • The length of streams is 8.75 km.
  • There are over 50 to 60 species of birds living in the garden.
  • There are 4 beer gardens in the park.
  • There are over 100 bridges in the park.

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The History

English Garden, Munich was designed by Sir Benjamin Thompson in 1789 under the orders of Archduke and Elector of the Palatinate, Charles Theodor.

Later on, Count Reichsgraf von Rumford and his successors extended the park making it the largest in the world, with an area of 3.7 km2.