Right from the world's highest tides to unique geological structures, you will be amazed to know the facts about the Bay of Fundy in this story.
Dhanashree Khadke
The Bay of Fundy is located in the Fundy Basin between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada.
How was the Bay of Fundy formed?
Millions of years ago, a continental drift occurred that formed a huge rift valley which led to the formation of a funnel-shaped Bay of Fundy.
The Bay of Fundy further divides into Chignecto Bay in the northeast and the Minas Basin in the east.
The Bay of Fundy is around 270 kms long.
Sources indicate that the word 'Fundy' must have come from either the French word 'Fendu' which means split or Portuguese word 'Fondo' which means funnel.
The Bay of Fundy is truly a wonder of Mother Earth. It produces the world's highest tides that rise from 13 meters to 16 meters, i.e. approximately the height of a 3 to 5-storey building.
In each tide cycle, nearly 100 billion tons of water flow in the Bay of Fundy which is more than the collective flow of the rivers around the world.
Once or twice a day, a geological process called the tidal bore happens in the Bay of Fundy, where the power and volume of the water flow are so much that it reverses the flow of rivers for some time.
Bay of Fundy is popular among adventure lovers because of the tidal bore rafting.
On the shores of the Bay of Fundy, the spectacular Hopewell Rock or Flowerpot rock is situated that looks like a vase filled with evergreen trees.
The Bay of Fundy fossils hold some interesting geological secrets too. Researchers have excavated bones of lizards from the early Jurassic time.
They have also found a tip of the snout on the shore of the Bay of Fundy, which is believed to be of a meat-eating dinosaur.