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Irresistible Reasons to Travel to Hawaii

Prachi Dharap
The aloha spirit, phenomenal beaches, breathtaking scenery, and invigorating water activities make Hawaii a hit with the travelers. Let’s discover the irresistible reasons to add the land of sun and sand to our bucket-list.

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Hawaii is not a state of mind, but a state of grace. ~ Paul Theroux

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Hawaiian beaches stunning and public. Colors include white, yellow, black, red, even green.

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Hawaiian sunsets special. Rare green flashes in sky after sunset add to spectacle.

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Discover Hawaii's top volcano, Kilauea, spewing lava since '83! Helicopter over Mt. Waialeale's crater for an epic view!

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Ride the waves in Hawaii, fit for kings and newbies alike! Did you know? Surfing was once a royal sport!

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Dive into Hawaii's warm waters for joyous snorkeling! Explore stunning underwater sights!

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Hawaii's natural waterfalls will leave you spellbound everywhere!

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The Hula is the heartbeat of the Hawaiian People.
~David Kalakaua

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Experiencing the traditional Hula dance by the locals will make you go 'Wow!'
Hawaiian tradition is all about delicious food! Fresh produce and seafood make it a delight!

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Hollywood's darling destination? It's Hawaii! Plus, even Elvis Presley adored it!

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Hawaii, a paradise for hikers! Explore trails for stunning panoramas!