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Lesser Known Facts About St. Louis Art Museum

Bindu swetha
The St. Louis Art Museum, is one of the most popular art museums in the US where paintings, sculptures, ancient masterpieces, and culturally specific objects are kept on display.
The Saint Louis School and Museum of Fine Arts was founded in 1879. The school offered studio and art classes, and the museum offered history classes.

The school, later on, moved to Washington University and the museum shifted to Forest Park, after the 1904 World's Fair. The iconic statue of King Louis was first cast at the front lawn of the museum, in 1904.
The collection at the museum spans across six continents and five millennia. Pre-Columbian and African art, Degas sculpture, Monet water lilies, Beckmann collection, Egyptian mummies, suits of armour, modern furniture, and the like are on display at the museum.
In 1983, this museum had the largest private exhibition of the famous German artist Max Beckmann's work. The three-story building at St Louis gets about half a million visitors every year.
Entry to all the galleries is free except for special exhibits. Each Sunday afternoon, 'Family Sundays' event is held at the Sculpture hall between 1 pm to 4 pm. At this event, special hands-on activities are arranged for kids along with a family tour of the museum at 2:30 pm.
On Friday nights in July, Outdoor Film Series is hosted at Art hill at the museum. The movie experience is clubbed with an outdoor party with food and music. Once this event ends, the Slam Underground parties resume on the last Friday of each month.
Regular art classes for children and adults and daily collection tours are held regularly at the museum. The museum is currently financially supported by tax, donations, sales at the museum shop and the foundation support.

By per capita income, the St Louis Museum ranks 33rd highest income location in the Missouri region.