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Longest Rivers in the United States

Soniya Khushalani
We can never have enough of nature!!!

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Missouri River...
Missouri River, a tributary to the Mississippi River, is the longest river in North America stretching for 2341 miles.
Missouri gets its name from a tribe named Missouri, meaning "people with wooden canoes".
It provides water for agricultural and power generation activities for the modern U.S.
Sadly, the abundant marine life in the river is at a decline as it is constantly subjected to agricultural and industrial waste...
Mississippi River
Stretching for 2,202 miles, it is the second-longest river in the US.
The name ‘Mississippi’ means “Father of Waters.”
About 18 million people rely on the river for daily water supply.
The marine life in Mississippi is also in a decline due to the constant release of harmful industrial toxins.
Yukon River
Shared between the US and Canada, the Yukon River flows for 1,979 miles making it the third-longest river in the U.S.
The name Yukon is derived from the Gwich’in language and means “great river.”

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It is home to fishes like Salmon, whitefishes, pikes, and birds like swans, ducks, and geese.
Climate change has affected the ecosystem of the region which is now seeing a fall in marine life.

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Rio Grande
Shared between U.S and Mexico, Rio Grande is the fourth largest river in the US, stretching for 1,759 miles.
The Río Grande is Spanish for "Big River".
500 different species of fauna such as the American beaver, desert cottontails, porcupines, and muskrat flourish in this ecosystem.
The concentration of pollutants has increased due to the steady extraction of water for irrigation and home use. This has caused subsequent death of marine life.
Colorado River
Fondly known as the "Lifeline of the Southwest", the Colorado River runs for 1450 miles...
Flowing through five U.S states and two Mexican states, it is an indispensable source of water for more than 40 million people.

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The name Colorado originates from the Spanish word for red color. The river appeared red due to the presence of red sandstone silt before the construction of Glen Canyon Dam in 1963.
The famous Horseshoe Bend on the Colorado River is a sight to behold.
The Colorado watershed is home to 1600 species of plants and the land forms a humble abode to a variety of wildlife species.

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"Keep flowing forward and no sorrow will last longer than it has to"...whispered the river...

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