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Must-See Things at the American Museum of Natural History

Jyoti Babel
With over 33 million specimens under its gamut from the natural world, the universe, and the human culture, The American Museum of Natural History in New York is one of the most iconic cultural and scientific institutions in the world.
With 45 permanent exhibition halls spread across 28 interconnected buildings, a huge planetarium, a sprawling library and more. One can spend several days exploring this gem of a place.

The Dinosaur Wing

The 2 halls at the David H. Koch Dinosaur Wing namely the Hall of Ornithischian Dinosaurs and the Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs are perhaps among the most visited parts of the museum. You cannot miss the display of dinosaur skeletons here.
The 122-foot Titanosaur is a star attraction; the dinosaur mummy, the fossilized bones and skulls also get a lot of attention from visitors.

The Blue Whale, Milstein Hall of Ocean Life

Arching into a diving position, the gigantic 94-foot-long female blue whale suspended mid-air from the ceiling at the Milstein Hall of Ocean Life is made of fibreglass and weighs 21,000 pounds.

The sight of it can amaze the kids and the adults alike. It serves as a reminder of the amazing sea life and underwater mysteries.

The Spectrum of Life, Hall of Biodiversity

More than 1500 varieties of the biodiverse specimen of plants, bacteria, fungi and animals of all shape and sizes are on display across the wall of the Hall of Biodiversity that stretches over 100 feet.

Illustrating 3.5 billion years of evolution, this part of the exhibit is surely not to be missed.

Dynamic Earth, Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth

Be engrossed by a 12-minute movie that shows how the earth looks from space. Everything is projected on a half-globe hanging from the ceiling.

It is all about how the earth works, the land, the oceans, the clouds, the continents, the vegetation, nearly all about our planet’s working.

The Dzanga-Sangha Rainforest, Hall of Biodiversity

A walk through 2,500-square-foot of the diorama of parts of the Dzanga-Sangha Rainforest, one of the most ecologically diverse forests on the planet, is very impressive.

More than 160 species of flora and fauna are featured here and you cannot miss the clear message it conveys on the importance of its conservation.

Dark Universe Space Show, Rose Center for Earth and Space

Narrated by the famous astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, the Dark Universe Space Show lasts 25 minutes and explores the fascinating mysteries of the universe.

With stunning visualizations that are projected on the dome of the space theatre, the expanding universe comes live right in front of your eyes.

Harriet and Robert Heilbrunn Cosmic Pathway, Rose Center for Earth and Space

A 360-foot long spiral pathway that starts right at the exit of the Hayden Planetarium’s Big Bang Theater takes you through the 13 billion years history of the universe.

From the formation of the Milky Way to the first life on Earth and more, it gives a plethora of information through computer interfaces, fossil and artefacts exploration along the way.
The American Museum of Natural History is so vast that you can explore only limited areas of it in a day. If you are not crunched for time and can give it another day or two, you can also check:
  • Museum of the American Bison and Pronghorn Antelope Diorama, Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals
  • Aztec Stone of the Sun, Hall of Mexico and Central America
  • Star of India, Morgan Memorial Hall of Gems
  • Ahnighito Meteorite, Arthur Ross Hall of Meteorites
  • Olmec colossal heads, Hall of Mexico and Central America

  • Chinese Wedding Chair, Gardner D. Stout Hall of Asian Peoples