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Must-Try Local Favorite Foods Inspired by Ecuador

Prachi Dharap
The tiny country of Ecuador stands firm on the global culinary scene. The cuisine is quite varied with influences from the coast, Andes highlands and the Amazonian basin.
Plantain Chips
Plantains look like a banana and can be eaten fried either raw or ripe.

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Ecuador is known for its sweet or savory Empanadas. Generally they are eaten as a morning or afternoon snack.
As weird it might sound, Cuy is actually a spit-roasted guinea pig. It is usually served with Aji (a spicy local sauce) and potatoes.
The cheese stuffed potato patty/ pancakes are usually served with peanut sauce for breakfast or lunch.
Ecuadorian Churrasco
The traditional dish is a grilled steak with gravy, sometimes served with egg, rice, potatoes, avocado or a small salad.
The cold soup is one of the Ecuadorian national dishes. It's a fresh and zesty mix of fish, lime juice, onions, peppers and tomatoes.
Biche de Pescado
It is a typical thick, stew like hearty soup made with fish, yuca, sweet plantains, peanut, onions, sweet corn, and cilantro.

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Traditional coastal fish stew, eaten with plantain chips, bread, and boiling cassava, is well-known for its ability to cure hangovers.
Higos con Queso
Classic dessert of Figs with Cheese is quite popular. The figs can be served either fresh or candied with local, unsalted cheese.
Bizcocha Cookie
The buttery cookies can be combined with sweet dulce de leche dipping or salty stringy cheese.

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Ecuadorian chocolate is considered to be one of the best in the world. The local brands have unique flavors like rose, lemon grass, chilli, coffee, Amazonian tea, etc.