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Top 10 Richest Countries in Asia

Money makes a Man & Man makes the Country!!
Priyanka Wadhwani
Around the world, each country has a different financial situation. The wealth of a country depends on many factors, including the import and export industry, their debts to other countries, their infrastructure, the availability of natural resources, and the country’s population.
Asia is the fastest growing economic region, as well as the largest continental economy by both GDP Nominal and PPP in the world.
Asia is a continent with countries at either extreme, as there are some very poor countries and other countries that are richest in the world.
Here’s a list for you to find out the top 10 richest countries in Asia.
Based on GDP per capita, Qatar is the richest country in both Asia and the world. Its economy is based on the export of petroleum and liquefied petroleum gas.
#1. Qatar
It is the third leading financial center in the world and plays an important role in international finance and trade.
#2. Singapore
Singapore has been the fastest growing economy in the world since 2010.
Brunei, is the third richest country in Asia and the fifth richest country in the world based on GDP per capita. The oil and gas sectors dominate the economy in this country.
#3. Brunei
Mostly funded by the gas and oil, the economy of the United Arab Emirates is the second highest in the Middle East, the fourth highest in Asia, and the eighth highest in the world.
#4. United Arab Emirates
Holding approximately six percent of the world’s crude oil reserves, Kuwait stands fifth on this list. Its economy also includes cement, shipbuilding, food processing, water desalination, and construction materials.
#5. Kuwait
Hong Kong is an international business, trade, and financial hub that is experiencing economic rise thanks to the opportunities brought by the mainland economy. It is also increasing in popularity as a tourist destination, which is also giving the country and economic boost.
#6. Hong Kong
Manufacturing plays a big role in Saudi Arabia’s economy, with some of the most important industries including petrochemicals, fertilizers, metal products, cement, and truck assembly making it the seventh richest in Asia.
#7. Saudi Arabia
Some of the main industries in this country are electronics, communications and information technology companies, chemicals, textiles, petroleum refining, machinery, iron and steel, food processing, and consumer products. Making it a largely self-sufficient country.
#8. Taiwan
Sitting on the ninth position in the list of the richest countries in Asia by GDP per capita, Bahrain has mining, quarrying sectors and manufacturing industries as major contributors.
#9. Bahrain
The economy in Oman has strengthened from 2018 to 2019 due to the higher energy prices and strong increases in gas output. It is currently positioned tenth on the list.
#10. Oman
It is rightly said by Thomas Edward Brown“Money is Honey my little Sonny, And A Rich Man’s Joke is Always Funny!!”