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The Islands of Ofu and Olosega

Claudia Miclaus
Lovely places to visit and enjoy the splendid views of natural landscapes are the Islands of Ofu and Olosega. Get to know more about them from the information given.
Perhaps, most of us, at least once in our lives, have dreamed about escaping to a desert island. To find our very own garden of paradise where fruit abounds, strange and heavenly beautiful flowers bloom, and a place with clear seas, amazing waterfalls, and many other earthly wonders.
Who wouldn't like to spend some time in such an unreal place? Throughout history, people always searched for places that aroused their imagination and maybe reminded them of the lost Garden of Eden. There are plenty of such islands spread all around the world, some of them yet unknown and therefore uninhabited.
Such examples of amazing beauty are the islands of Ofu and Olosega - part of the Manu'a islands in the Pacific Ocean. They are a volcanic doublet within the archipelago of the American Samoa. They belong to the U.S., as opposed to the Western Samoa, which has gained its independence from New Zealand.
They are one of the prettiest and most spectacular American National Parks. The most amazing combination of extinct volcanoes and ocean, the gorgeous vegetation, and the friendly climate make them remind us of the lost paradise.
They also have a very low population, which lives in the village part of the two islands. Thus, there were about 289 people in the village of Ofu in 2000. In the same year there were 216 persons living on the island of Olosega. The islands' people are renowned for their kind and friendly nature.
To be more precise, these islands are included in the archipelago of Manu'a. Thus, we have Ofu which has 7 square km of area, Olosega having 5 square km, and Tau, the largest island, having 46 square km area. These three islands have the most amazing landscapes in all of Samoa. The southern part of Ofu Island seems most beautiful in all the Pacific Ocean.
One can also find mountains on these islands. In Ofu there is mount Tumutumu, the highest peak, which is 491 meters high; in Olosega there is Piumafua Mountain, which is 629 meters high. The two islands are surrounded by a common reef and connected by a bridge. On the island of Tau there is the highest peak in the American Samoa, namely Lata (931 meters.)

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Piumafua Mountain

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These islands are reachable by plane. There are two airports, one in Ofu and the other in Tau. Nonetheless, the only place for tourists to stay in Ofu is the so-called Va'oto Lodge.
These paradises have green mountains, with rain forests, palm trees, with long beaches covered in white sand, the clear transparent water of the ocean. In the ocean, you get coral reefs, strange fish, and exotic creatures.  The unique charm makes them stand out among the seven islands of same archipelago.
Some tourists say that the whole territory is not geared for tourism yet. Despite that, those coming here might find it easy to adjust and perhaps confine themselves to feel the joy of discovering themselves the wild touches of this heaven on earth.