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Things to Bring to a Vacation Rental House

Renuka Savant
Utensils, golf clubs, bicycles, packaged food, bed linen ... the list of things you may want to pack can extend to infinity. Intervention comes in the form of this Vacayholics post, which tells you what to carry and what to leave out if you'll be staying at a rental home during your next vacation.

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Don't expect a valet service at a rental home. You'll be ferrying your luggage yourself, which is why it's better to pack light.

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Vacation rental homes are fabulous for families looking to ditch the cramped confines of hotel rooms. They offer great value for money to those on the lookout for a more intimate holiday, without the rigidness that comes with living in a hotel.

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Whether your vacation home is a sea-facing villa, or a cabin atop the Rockies, rest assured that it will be unmatched in terms of comfort and ease of living.
While the extra space can be a blessing for largish families, the downside, though, is that it leads one to pack a whole lot of things that are completely unnecessary. It is so easy to get carried away and pack the entire house, only to regret it later. In order to make things simpler, here's a list of things you should take along for a hassle-free holiday.

What to Bring to a Vacation Rental House

Sports Equipment
Everyone knows how renting things like bicycles, skies, racquets, fishing equipment, etc., can be super expensive. So, if you happen to have these at home, it just makes sense to carry them along to save some serious dough.
Kitchen Supplies
There are bound to be some things in your kitchen that qualify as absolute essentials.
These may include your special condiments and spices, or your exclusive brands of exotic tea or coffee. If you think these would be hard to find at a local supermarket, ensure that you carry them along.
Everyone has their cleansing regime, so it goes without saying that you need to bring along your favorite toiletries if you do not fancy using the ones provided at the rental home.
Also, there might be a possibility that toiletries aren't provided at all, so it makes more sense to take these with you.

Entertainment Options

Books, board games, toys, are essential when you just want to be indoors. They ensure that you'll never have to contend with bored children or cranky adults who have nothing else to do except twiddle their thumbs.
You may also consider carrying:
  • Grill essentials like charcoal and matches
  • Essential kitchen tools
  • Towels and washcloths
  • Laundry detergent
  • Storage containers for leftovers
  • Garbage disposal bags
  • Pet supplies, if you're taking your pet along

Things You'd Rather Leave Out

Plates and Cutlery
Most vacation rentals come with a fully equipped kitchen, so there is no reason why you should carry along basics such as plates, forks, knives, and spoons.
Packaged Food
Making use of the kitchen to cook meals means that you'll end up saving a lot on hefty restaurant bills. To do this, you can rely on local markets for fresh produce (depending upon the place you'll be going to), rather than bringing packaged food from home.
Vacation rentals provide you with comfortable bedding, which is why you're saved the trouble of bringing it from home. Carry sleeping bags only if you plan to go camping overnight.

Anything you can't afford to lose

By this we mean to focus your attention to the fact that rental homes are not hotels. They may not have any kind of security system in place, so losing something valuable can cause more trouble than you can imagine. So, be absolutely careful of what you wish to carry along.
While packing for a trip, we are bound to carry certain things that are indispensable to us. However, we also need to be mindful about not going overboard and pack everything in sight.
Most rental homes, these days, are as comfortable as they come, which means that you need not fuss over things to carry along. Before you seal the deal, make sure that you have clarified all your doubts regarding the provisions at the property.
At the end of it all, you may still miss out on packing certain essentials. But whatever you do, don't forget to carry your sense of adventure along. You certainly can't buy it at the local supermarket.