If you’re looking to add places that are great to visit, to your bucket list, then look no further. We bring a list of top 10 places that you can surely have a nice time, alone or with some company.
Maybe you want to take a few weekend getaways from DC or wherever you may live. Try some of these places for a getaway. Many places deserve to be on a bucket list, but the top 10 is a way to sort the best. Well, let’s get into it.
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Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls, between the borders of Canada and United States, is a giant, breath-taking waterfall to behold. If you love waterfalls, this is the place for you. There is much more to explore around the falls to explore.
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
There is so much history in New Orleans. One of the best places is the French quarter, particularly Jackson’s Square, that has a church and a park. If you want to party, look no further than Bourbon Street that boasts of having hundreds of bars.
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Tokyo, Japan
With shops, restaurants and bars, anyone can enjoy here. It boasts of skyscrapers galore and the famous Shibuya Crossing. There is beautiful art all around the city. You can stop at one of the shrines to pay respect and take in their beauty.
London, England
London hosts the Queen of England, with pubs and bars to frequent along the way. The Queen's Guard are present at the palace, and you can take photos of the area. With Big Ben, you have Tower of London, Tower Bridge, and the Coca-Cola London Eye as well.
Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt
The pyramid of Giza is one of the world's wonders, with the Sphynx nearby, and 2 smaller pyramids on either side of it. You can glimpse into the past and see how Egyptian culture used to function. There are many other temples in Egypt to visit, so don’t limit yourself to just the pyramids.
Ireland is so breathtaking from the rolling hills in the countryside to the many old castles dot the land. Ireland is beautiful to behold with many other attractions to see. Ireland makes it on this list because of its culture, scenery, and history.
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Eiffel Tower in Paris, France
A beautiful structure made by great architects sits in the heart of Paris, France. Not only is the sight beautiful, but the food here is amazing as well. France is very historical, and not only is there a lot to see, but there is so much to do.
Easter Island
Easter Island is a small island off the coast of Chili, inhabited by the Rapa Nui people. They created monolithic statues of volcanic rock called the “Moai.” The scenery here is beautiful, beaches are sparkling, and many activities to do.
The Great Wall of China
The great wall was built in the Ming dynasty 2,300 years ago. It’s massive at 13,170.7 miles long and about 46 meters high in the biggest spots. It is visible even from space. So your bucket list has to have this massive wall in it.
I know many will disagree but the view of islands with the culture, history, and local delicacies is what tops the list. Add surfing, hiking, diving, snorkeling, swimming, and a great atmosphere, and Hawaii is the highest of the dream destinations.
There are many other mentionable destinations that weren’t included like Los Angeles, California, Mount Rushmore, New York City, New York, Spain, Mexico, Peru, the Amazon, but it would take all day to list them. So add some of them yourself.