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Visiting Carthage, the Ancient Tunisian Capital

Prachi Dharap
The once mighty Phoenician city of Carthage is today a wealthy Tunis suburb. You can find the ruins of Kart-Hadasht scattered throughout. It is said to be founded by Princess of Tyre, in 814 B.C.

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Carthage has 8 UNESCO World Heritage Sites: 7 cultural and 1 natural.
It is claimed that Tophet is the place where the Princess Elissa, landed in Tunisia. The Chapel of Cintas might be a burial place of Princess Elissa.
Tophet was a religious sanctuary, for the worshipers of the Sun god Baal-Ammon.
Ruins of the Roman Amphitheater built in the 1st century CE, was later rebuilt. The arena gained popularity in the Middle Ages among the tourists.
You can see the remains of the Odeon in Carthage, located on the top of a small hill. It was constructed in 207 A.D.
You can see the foundation for the monumental Antonine public baths built in the 2nd century AD. The glorious sea-side settings will leave you awestruck.
You need to visit the former residential quarter for a real sense of Roman life in Carthage. The Roman Villas feature mosaic floors and terrace with a sea-view.
Lady of Carthage mosaic probably from the 6th century, is displayed in the Carthage National Museum along with other archaeological items from the Punic era.

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Take the car to Sidi Bou Said and explore the ruins on foot, for some amazing insights from the local guides.